6 - 8 november 2024

  NEF Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur boulevard de l'Observatoire F 06304 NICE

Program for the MATISSE Science meeting the 6, 7 and 8th of November 2024 Objective of the encounter : science results, collaborations & perspective of new projects employing MATISSE.


14:00 Introduction
Welcome, objective of the meeting, Bruno Lopez

14:45 MATISSE review session from discipline groups, Chair Bruno Lopez

  • « What has been achieved with MATISSE on AGNs, plan for the near future », 25 mn (+5mn questions), Walter Jaffe & James Leftley
  • « The Young Stellar Object survey », 25 mn (+5mn questions) Roy van Boekel & Michiel Hogerheijde & Jean-Charles Augereau

15:45 Coffee Break

16:00 MATISSE review session from discipline groups continues

  • « The AGB large program », 25 mn (+5mn questions), Claudia Paladini (via Zoom connection)
  • « Extrasolar planets with Mathis and MATISSE after the breakthroughs made with GRAVITY », 25 mn (+5mn questions), Mathis Houllé

Session « Theory and/or complementary observations », Chair Walter Jaffe

  • « Atmospheres of extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs », 25 mn (+5mn questions), Benjamin Charnay (via Zoom connection)

17:30 End of day meeting


09:30 « Theory and/or complementary observations » continues

  • « Active Galaxies and cosmology with GRAVITY and GRAVITY+ », 25 mn (+5mn questions), James Leftley & Sebastian Höning (with inputs from Taro Shimizu)
  • « Physics in protoplanetary disks », 25 mn (+5mn questions), Clément Baruteau (via Zoom connection) & Héloïse Méheut

10:30 Coffee Break


  • « Young Stellar Object with GRAVITY and perspective of GRAVITY+ », 25 mn (+5mn questions), Karine Perraut
  • (online) « Intersection between ALMA data and VLTI data for ring/disk structures », 25 mn (+5mn questions), Nienke van de Marel (via Zoom connection)
  • « Stellar physics, modeling of dusty winds and their observables », 25 mn (+5mn questions), Susanne Höfner (via Zoom connection)

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Session “methods, modeling tools, calibration” , Chair Paul Boley
PMOIRED, Antoine Mérand (to be moved to one thursday science meeting)
OImodeler, 20 mn (+5mn questions), Jozsef Varga and Anthony Meilland

  • « Spectrophotometric models of calibrators », 20 mn (+5mn questions), Violeta Gámez Rosas
  • « Calibration sources project », 20 mn (+5mn questions), Pierre Cruzalèbes & Sylvie Robbe-Dubois
  • « Debris disk modeling of Beta Pic and correlations in MATISSE data », 20 mn (+5mn questions), Philippe Priolet

15:40 Session results from the community (10 mn + 5 mn questions), Chair Alexis Matter & Jozsef Varga

For timing optimization, some presentations would be moved to the dedicated on-line thursday Science meetings. Needed to know who will be physically present at Nice.

Current results for the ongoing project (individual sources)

  • « The inner disk of RY Tau observed by MATISSE », Johannes Martin
  • « The complex inner disk of the Herbig Ae star HD 100453 with VLTI/MATISSE », Luna van Haastere
  • « Imaging the dust surdensity around the B[e] star l Puppis with MATISSE », Margaux Abello
  • « A search of AGB binaries: the case of V Hya », Lea Plancart

On fly Coffee Break

  • « Spatial distribution of warm dust around the Vega-type star HD 166191 after an asteroid collision », Lei Chen
  • « Eruptive stars’ disks with MATISSE », Claire Lykou
  • « The variable inner disk of DG Tauri », Ágnes Kóspál
  • « JWST-MATISSE synergy survey of T Tauri stars », Péter Ábrahám

Evidence for an accretion bridge in the DX Cha circumbinary system, Timea Juhasz

  • « Carbon stars: MATISSE observations meet Uppsala dusty wind models », Josef Hron

18:00 end of day meeting

Several presentations moved to the dedicated thursday Science meetings (at 14:00):

  • « Beyond Beta Picb », Jules Scigliuto & Mathis Houllé
  • « Title », Marten Scheuck
  • « RCrA », Alexis Matter
  • « HD 169142 », Eric Pantin & Alexis Matter
  • « nano-diamonds », Bruno Lopez & Bill Danchi
  • « What is around T CrA ? », Jozsef Varga

09:30 « VLTI upgrades and future music », Chair Roy van Boekel & Bruno Lopez
The best way to use the VLTI upgrades : what they are and what to do with the upgrades. GPAO, off-axis Fringe Tracking and future potential ones
Context of the GRAVITY+ upgrades of the infrastructures at the VLTI, 30 mn, Antoine Mérand

  • « News from GPAO », 10-15 mn video from Florentin Millour
  • « Cosmology investigation and high redshift for the VLTI », 25 mn + 15 mn discussions, Romain Petrov

Discussion, a new step for the YSO survey, 20 mn, All

Discussion from theory, or from complementary observations (ALMA, JWST) better ways to improve the interaction between the modeling community and the observing community, 20 mn, All

  • « What about the Galactic Center, news regarding the MATISSE observation of the Galactic center », 15 mn + 5 mn, Emma Bordier
  • « What about planets ? », 15 mn + 5 mn Mathis Houllé

Written conclusions, All

12:30 Lunch

13:30 MATISSE team closed session.

16:00 End of meeting


The meeting will be held in the NEF room of the Observatoire de Nice, Blvd de l’Observatoire, 06304 Nice

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